So we had been quite lucky with the weather so far: only one real day of rain at Lake Tekapo, but fine weather the rest of the time (cold though), and even the West Coast had been very kind to us for the last days, and despite fellow travelers telling us: “Oh god! You are going to cycle the West Coast?? Well then, be prepared for the rain!” we didn’t have any rain for the last three to four days cycling up from Wanaka to the Franz Josef Glacier. But…
…now we are sitting in a small roadside restaurant in a lost forgotten village after having done several hours in the pouring rain. Now we know that our coats are not (or not anymore) waterproof, our pants neither, the covers for our shoes (“guaranteed 100% waterproof” according to the vendor) neither and that our gloves actually serve two functions: gloves and sponges (but then at least they didn’t claim to be waterproof…).
So having had enough rain for the next years to come and having enjoyed enough sandflies for the rest of our lives, we figured that (as time is running out anyway) we might as well take a bus up to Greymouth and enjoy the northern West Coast from behind a warm bus window.
Vera & Jean-Christophe
One Comment
Oh làlà! comme quoi le waterproof a lui aussi ses limites!! hihihi
en attendant, je crois que vous avez subi trop de pluie à cause de nous!! je m’explique, nous on est jalous -lol- de temps de découvertes, de tout ce que vous faites, plus le phoque! etc. donc là on se dit: ” ha quand même leur voyage n’est pas si enviable que ça!! c’est vrai toute cette pluie et les moustiques!!” hihihi
à moins qu’en réalité, il ne pleut pas et là ce serait de la manipulation psychoérgonomique (j’me comprend
)afin de nous faire en arriver au raisonnement précité (et donc plus de jalousie! mouais)!!
Ahah! je vous ai démasqué!
donc en conclusion… quel voyage!! je VEUX le même!!!
NB: allez, profitez bien de la chaleur du bus et puis je vous envoie un peu de soleil antillais!
pas si envieuse que ça, je suis!